Newaygo County ORV Ordinance
The Newaygo County ORV ordinance allows for an ORV to operate on the far right of the maintained portion of a road within the county. The maintained portion is any portion that is graded or paved. ORVs are prohibited from riding on any state highway such as M-37, M-82, M-120, or M-20 and on any seasonal county road that is closed by the road commission. ORVs are also prohibited on any Forest Service road or two track in the county and from operating in any city or village in Newaygo County, unless they have their own city or village ORV ordinance in place. ORVs are also prohibited from riding on any power line, gas line, or railroad right of way. The Newaygo County Road Commission or Townships within the county may, at their discretion, close roads currently open if they determine it is in the public’s best interest to do so. It is the responsibility of the ORV operator to ensure they know what roads are open or closed. Updates to road closures will be posted on this website as changes are made.
ORVs may be operated on the far right maintained portion of a roadway in Newaygo County. If the road does not have a gravel shoulder, the ORV may be operated on the far right paved portion of the road.
Operators of ORVs may cross any state highway at a 90 degree angle in order to travel from one approved riding location to another. (Example – If you are riding on an approved road that crosses M-37, you may continue on that approved road after you have crossed M-37.
ORVs are not permitted to be operated in any City or Village in Newaygo County, unless there is a separate city or village ORV ordinance stating roads are open within its jurisdiction.
City of Fremont – ORVs are not currently permitted.
City of Grant – ORVs are not currently permitted.
City of Newaygo – ORV Ordinance No. 12-05
City of White Cloud – Ordinance No. 2012-15
Village of Hesperia – ORVs are not currently permitted.
ORVs are prohibited from operating on any state or federal property other than the motorized vehicle trail which begins at 1 Mile Rd (M-20)approximately 4 miles west of M-37 on the north side of the road. There are no other public trails in Newaygo County which allow the operation of ORVs.
ORVs are prohibited on all Federal, State, and County properties. ORVs may be operated on private property with the permission of the owner.
ORVs can be operated at night under this ordinance. Operators of ORVs must display a lighted headlight and lighted taillight regardless of whether it is daytime or nighttime.
ORV operators must have a valid driver’s license if over 16 years old. Operators 16-18 years old, without an operator’s license, must have a safety certificate and be under the direct visual supervision of a parent or guardian. Individuals 12-19 years old may operate an ORV if they have in their possession an ORV safety certificate and are in direct visual supervision of a parent or guardian. ORV operators that have their driver’s license suspended or revoked cannot operate an ORV on the roadway. Individuals over 18 years old may operate an ORV provided their driving privileges have not been denied, revoked or suspended.
ORVs operated under this ordinance must have a registration sticker. Registration stickers can be purchased at most places that sell hunting licenses.
Insurance on an ORV is not required by state law or this ordinance, however, operators of ORVs involved in an accident are considered at fault under this ordinance until proven otherwise.
A golf cart, gator, mule, quad, 4-wheeler, and dirt bike are all considered ORVs, however they must be equipped with a lighted headlight and lighted taillight when being operated. They must also be equipped with a windshield and a roof or roll bar the meets or exceeds standards for crash helmets as determined by the National Department of Transportation, unless the operator and passengers are wearing a helmet and eye protection. if the ORV meets the criteria for not wearing a helmet, the operator and passengers must also wear a seatbelt.
As explained in the previous answer, operators of ORVs under this ordinance must wear an approved DOT helmet unless the vehicle is equipped with a roof that meets or exceeds standards for crash helmets and the operator and passengers are wearing seatbelts.
The speed limit for ORVs is 25 mph.
Open alcoholic containers are prohibited while operating or riding an ORV. Operating an ORV while impaired or intoxicated is also prohibited under state law.