Board of Public Works
The Board of Public Works was created by the authority of Act 185, P.A. of 1957. This legal entity is necessary to borrow money and enter into contracts. The Board of Public Works is housed within the Newaygo County Drain Office. Action of the BPW is subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners. The Board has authority to acquire, approve, expand, operate and maintain water and sewage supply, sewage disposal, solid waste management, lake improvements and erosion control systems. The Board of Public Works has within its duties the establishment of solid waste management programs, resource recovery, recycling, and public education.
BPW Board Members:
Chair- Dale E. Twing
Vice Chair- Charles Trapp
Secretary/Treasurer- Ken DeLaat
Members- Richard Kooistra, Doug Harmon, Mark Pitzer, Sally Wagoner
Housed Within Drain Office:
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am – 4:00 pm
Address: 306 S North St. White Cloud, Michigan 49349
Phone: (231) 689-7213 Fax: (231) 689-7266
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day– The BPW sponsors an annual event for the residents of Newaygo County to dispose of all household hazardous waste items in an environmentally safe way. There is no local facility for this kind of waste as it is not allowed in landfills. The annual collection averages about 10,000 pounds of household hazardous waste. Different types of waste consisting of:
- Old paint
- Automotive liquids
- Flammable liquids
- Solid & liquid pesticides
- Aerosols
- Acids & cleaners
- Car & motorcycle batteries
- Lightbulbs
- Miscellaneous others
Everything collected is disposed by a licensed disposal company in a safe manner so it will not pollute our environment. The collection is usually held in May. Watch for advertising in the Times Indicator and the Hi-Lites around May for more details. Click here to view HHW details.
Tire Collection Day – The BPW also sponsors a yearly event for the citizens of Newaygo County to dispose of tires in an environmentally safe way. Thousands of tires are collected at this event each year. The tires are then recycled and used to make items such as:
- Rubberized asphalt
- Playground flooring
- Welcome mats
- Anti-fatigue mats
- Vehicle mud guards.Â
- Miscellaneous others
All collections are disposed of in a safe manner by a company specifically licensed to haul tires. The tire collection is usually held in June, watch for advertising in the Times Indicator and the Hi-Lites during the month of May for more details. Click here to view tire collection details.
White Cloud Sherman Utilities Authority (WCSU)
White Cloud Sherman Utilities Authority (WCSU) and the Chain of Lakes Sewer Authority (COLA) were formed by Resolution through the BPW. The BPW then transferred the operation and maintenance of each system over to each authority, City of White Cloud and Sherman Township. Each of whom act for, and on behalf of, the BPW under P.A. 185 until such time the bonds for construction are paid in full.
WCSUA is organized pursuant to the provisions of Act 233 P.A. 1955, as amended. The Authority is located at 60 W. Baseline White Cloud, MI. The Authorities purpose is to provide sewer system services to the residents of the constituent municipalities. The Authority is governed by a 5 member board, two members appointed by each of the participating governments and the Chairperson of the Board of Public Works. The WCSU Board is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system.
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am – 4:00 pm
Address: 60 W. Baseline White Cloud, Michigan 49349
Phone: (231) 689-6047 Fax: (231) 689-0550
Email: WCSU
WCSUA Staff Members:
Manager- Stan Stroven Jr.Â
Billing Clerk- Becky FreemanÂ
Chain of Lakes Sewer Authority
Per petition of the residents around the lakes The Chain of Lakes Area Utility Authority (COLA) was organized pursuant to the provisions of Act 233 P.A. 1955, as amended. The incorporating municipalities that created this Authority were Brooks Township, Garfield Township, and Everett Township, which are designated as the constituent municipalities. The Authority is located at 5546 S. Evergreen Newaygo, MI.Â
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am – 4:00 p.m.
Address: PO Box 496 Newaygo, Michigan 49337
Phone: (231) 652-2848 Fax: (231) 652-2873
Email:Â Â COLA
COLA Staff Members:
- Manager- Robert NienhuisÂ
- Operator/Maintenance- John PuffÂ
- Part Time Emergency Response Tech- Andrew FriesÂ
The Authorities purpose is to provide sewer system services to the residents of the constituent municipalities. The Authority is governed by a 7 member board, two members appointed by each of the townships and the Chairperson of the Board of Public Works. The COLA Board is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system.