High School Diploma or Equivalent – Newaygo Community Education has made it possible for inmates to obtain their high school diploma or equivalent through classrooms set up at the jail. Every inmate who does not have a high school education is evaluated as to the educational level acquired and placed into class room settings to obtain the necessary credits to complete their high school education.
Chaplain Services – Forgotten Man Ministries has made nondenominational church services available to anyone who wishes to attend. Forgotten Man Ministries has coordinated services which consist of several area churches who volunteer their time to conduct services within the facility on a weekly basis. Services are also available for our Spanish speaking population. Ordained pastors must register with the Jail Administration Office and receive a card which allows them passage into the facility at any time to visit with members of their congregation. Bible studies are available weekly for anyone who wishes to participate. The Department Chaplain has made himself available to see any inmate at any time of need.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling – One on one counseling has been made available for anyone in need.
Mental Health Services – Members of Newaygo Community Mental Health come to the jail on a regular basis to assist inmates with any issues concerning their mental health. Counseling sessions are set up with inmates and are not terminated until those needs are met. They are also available 24 hours per day on an emergency basis.
Medical Services – All medical needs including emergencies are made available 24 hours per day. Any inmate in need of medical assistance can notify medical staff in writing and be seen as soon as possible. Referrals to specialists are made as necessary.
Inmate Commissary – The Newaygo County Jail contacts with Canteen Corporation for commissary needs. All inmates have the opportunity to have an account whereby personal hygiene and food items of their choice can be purchased. Money can be deposited into an inmate account through the use of the kiosk machine located in the lobby at the Sheriff’s Office. Online services are available at www.ezmoneyload.com or by calling 1-888-497-2387. An operator will be available to assist you with your call. Another option is called I-Care. A commissary order can be placed and paid for with a credit card by calling 1-888-634-0034. That order will be sent to this facility with all other orders placed for that week. Please do not send money orders. Cash or money orders will not be accepted.