Adoption Information

Wendy Jarvis
Trial Court Director/FOC
  • 1092 Newell Street, PO Box 885
    White Cloud, MI 49349
    M-F 8am – 12pm and 1pm – 5pm

  • (231) 689-7252
    (231) 689-7015

The Family Division of the Circuit Court has jurisdiction over adoption cases.  There are different types of adoption cases which may have different paperwork and hearing requirements based on the distinct circumstances of each adoption case.  Please contact the Circuit Court for additional information at or visit the following websites for further information:

Adoption Information

The fee for filing an adoption is $ 185.00.  Each type of adoption has a corresponding packet that provides the required State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) forms along with forms specific to the Newaygo County Circuit Court Family Division.  Each child, or adoptee, must have their own adoption petition and packet completed.  Petitioners, and any other adults in the home, must undergo a Criminal Background and Child Protective Services Check as part of the adoption investigation.  Each packet below includes a checklist of the needed documents that must accompany the petition and other forms.

Adult Adoptions

An adult adoptee can provide his or her consent to being adopted by a petitioner.  The adult adoptee or petitioner must be a resident of Newaygo County and complete the information and provide the documents listed in the Adult Adoption Packet below.

Adult Adoption Packet 7.2024

Agency Adoptions

Children who are under the Court’s jurisdiction through Child Protective Services are placed in foster care under the guidance of various adoption agencies.  Agency adoptions are then filed by the agency on behalf of the petitioning parents.  Please find the Agency Adoption Checklist below for a list of documents required from agencies filing for adoptions.

Agency Adoption Checklist 2021

Guardianship Adoptions

A child’s guardian my file a petition to adopt the child if the biological parents are willing to consent to the adoption.  Please find the Guardianship Adoption Packet below for a complete list of necessary documents and forms.  If the biological parents are unwilling to consent to the adoption the petitioner may file a petition to open an abuse/neglect case requesting that the Court decide regarding the termination of parental rights.  The Guardian Adoption NA Information Sheet and Petition (Child Protective Proceedings, JC 04b) provide additional information about this aspect of the process.

Guardianship Adoption Packet 7.2024

Petition Child Protective Proceedings Jc04b

Guardian Adoption NA Information Sheet 2021

Relative Adoptions

Petitioners related within the fifth degree to the child, or children, being adopted may file a relative adoption.  The biological parents must be willing to consent to the adoption of the adoptee by the relative petitioners.  The Relative Adoption Packet below provides a checklist and forms necessary for filing a relative adoption.

Relative Adoption Packet 7.2024

Stepparent Adoptions

A biological parent and stepparent may file a petition for adoption of the biological parent’s child, or children, by the stepparent.  The petitioning parent and/or child, or children, must be residents of Newaygo County.  The petitioners must also be married to file a stepparent adoption petition.  Finally, the petitioning biological parent must have full legal and physical custody of the child, or children, who is the subject of the adoption petition.  Please see the Stepparent Adoption Packet below for complete details on the process and necessary materials.

Stepparent Adoption Packet 7.2024

Requesting Adoption Records

When requesting adoption information from the Court the Petition for Adoption Information and Order (PCA 327, below) must be filed with the Circuit Court with a $20.00 filing fee. This form must be notarized, and a copy of the petitioner’s driver’s license or state identification card must also be provided to the Court.  Limited information can be released from an adoption file to only certain people (petitioner/parent, adoptee, etc.).  Read the Release of Information from Michigan’s Adoption Records (below) pamphlet for more details.

Petition For Adoption Information And Order Pca 327

Release Of Information From Michigan’s Adoption Records DHHS 439

All adoption filings including records requests may be mailed with a check or money order made out to the Newaygo County Circuit Court:

Newaygo County Circuit Court
Adoption Clerk
PO BOX 885
White Cloud, MI 49349