Inspection Notices

Anthony Meyaard
Equalization Director
  • 1087 Newell St, PO Box 885
    White Cloud, MI 49349
    M-F 8am-5pm
  • (231) 689-7244
    (231) 689-7032

Notices of Sales and Appraisal Study Inspections

The Newaygo County Equalization Department is required by State Law to conduct annual inspections of properties in Newaygo County to determine the average level of assessment in each local unit.

If your parcel(s) is selected, the appraisers from the Equalization Department may be visiting to do an appraisal on your property. The team will not be required to enter your home, but may ask questions regarding your buildings/property if you are present at the time of inspection. All staff from this office will display Newaygo County ID Badges.

We apologize for any inconvenience; but due to the nature of this process, we are unable to schedule appointments for these visits. If you have any questions about this inspection, please contact our office at 231-689-7244. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.